Why did Arjuna fail to implement Gita?

The relationship between Shri Krishna and Arjuna is very intimate. They are like best friends, moreover, Arjuna considered Shri Krishna as his guru from the beginning itself. We can say many things about Krishna and Arjuna. Here we have to see this, Krishna is a great teacher and Arjuna is one of the best students for his gurus. Both having a good relationship and this is quite enough for Arjuna to get all the essence of Bhagavat Gita from Krishna. Because the world’s best teacher Krishna teaches the Bhagavat Gita and the great student Arjuna listens to Krishna during his important stage in life. So we can easily guess the success ratio of that teaching session.

In Bhagavat Gita, Shri Krishna explained clearly about the soul and its attributes to Arjuna. He also listened carefully that day. After learning Gita, Arjuna changes his mind and took his bow to participate in the war. We can say, Arjuna is aware of all Gita lessons at that time. But our topic is why did Arjuna fail to implement gita in his life?

During the thirteenth day at Kurushetra, his son Abhimanyu was killed by Kauravas. After hearing this Arjuna can’t able to control his emotions, at one stage even he tried to commit suicide. We know it has been stopped by Lord Indra and Krishna. Here we need to notice why  Arjuna behaved like this, even possessing all the knowledge about the soul and all. By emotional bond, Arjuna didn’t implement the Gita in his life. Here Arjuna failed and most of us like Arjuna fails to implement the wisdom we gained in some situations. So learning is important, same time implementation is mandatory in any extreme conditions. The main purpose of learning is to apply it in our lives when needed. Even the great student Arjuna failed in that particular moment. So we need to stay aware all the time and try to apply the learned things in our life. By hearing this great epic, we realize the importance of knowledge utilization in our life.

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