Seyana – Inside The Nest | Day 3

She is in the jungle now. By seeing the birds and trees, she gets confused for a moment. After seeing her grandfather, she realized it’s his tech magic. But still, the confusion prevails, because she can able to touch the birds, trees and even her grandfather. Now great Uthiyan started to explain everything, it’s a combination of AR & sensat technology having the transmission module in the created illusion, that stimulates our nerves to get the real touching feel.

Now Ila confirms that her grandpa as a Jailer, who is not allowing her to feel the Seyana’s nature in the real form. Her grandfather suggested to visit Seyana in this way, but she clearly refused him. This becomes a big debate in the whole family. Finally Ila wins the battle and she planned a trip to the forest of Seyana which belongs to the tribes and some parts owned by her.

K24 came inside Ila’s room with the travel plan which consists of Do’s and Dont’s at Seyana. The secured vehicle, advanced medical kits, super gadgets compete with each other for Ila’s safety, but the time schedule for Ila’s Travel consists of nanoseconds details created by K24 is the true milestone.

At the same time, Ila is not a child to ignore this and she is well aware of Uthiyan’s safety, but still, she needs some freedom to explore Seyana at least in the remaining 60 hours 20 minutes. The reality is her travel program is much safer than her nest and she is under the surveillance of 10+ teams comes under K24. Personally, K24 also accompanies her is truly an added advantage for Ila. According to the plan, Ila started the journey

To be continued…

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