Ethan’s Voyage 8-Dreamy World

By seeing the burning hand of snake world queen Nagushiya everyone gets shocked. Kanushi identified that she is affected by the spell and by giving treatment Nagushiya comes to the normal state. All things are done by King Raushan’s brother Nazim to capture Tortania. Hearing this Prince Makar get angry and while trying to find him, he escaped to future by using kevarat (Time travel device).  Everyone decided to send Ethan and Dombo into the future in a risky way to find King Raushan’s brother.

By hearing this Ethan fainted and someone splashes water on him. He saw Clara and shocked again. Clara told Ethan about his ship went away one hour before from this island. Ethan inquired about Porque Horat Island to Clara. She laughed loudly and said now you are in Horat Island only. Ethan asked about Lupino forest. She clarified there is no forest on this island, it’s already late, Clara invited Ethan to her home.

Ethan visited Clara home and he is really shocked at seeing his father in Clara’s house. Clara told that she saw him on the seashore a few years back with a head injury and said he forgot everything. By hearing this Ethan cried and thanked Clara. She explained Ethan’s situation to her brother Robert. He gave him a job in his restaurant. By his hard work, Ethan developed the restaurant within six months as well as love also developed between Clara and Ethan. After three months Ethan married Clara. In the meanwhile, Ethan becomes rich by his hard work and for vacation, he booked tickets in the same ship Feluccas where he left as an assistant. Both Clara and Ethan entered the ship.

Both of them visits party hall, one kid runs in front of Ethan he shocked because it’s none other than Muffin as Ken. Ethan also saw Kanushi as Ellen, Nagushiya as Merlin and Feba as Lydia. Finally, as a great shock Ethan saw Mila with prince Makar as a newly married couple in the party hall. He wished them, Mila identified Ethan and conveyed her thanks to him. Ethan got confused, Mila told that When Ethan left that ship Mila gets a chance to visit the guest area regarding work. At that time Ted (Prince Makar) and Mila fell in love with each other. It all happened because Ethan left the ship that day. After dinner in the party hall, Ethan noticed Mila singing and all the other characters enjoying the music. Ethan went to bed happy that day.

The End

Next day morning when Ethan wakes up, he finds King Raushan in front of him and he is in Tortonia

Ethan’s voyage never ends……

To be continued….. Soon


1 thought on “Ethan’s Voyage 8-Dreamy World”

  1. Nice to read every part of the story .. at the end all were happy … As you changed all story line but still its beautiful .. waiting for the launch of Ethan voyage (original one ) … Good luck 👍👍

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